Learn. Grow. Excel

What We Do

Our progressive vision is materialized through the multi faceted and proliferated seminars and workshops, well spaced throughout the academic year.

What is IET?

From the foundation of the Society of Telegraph Engineers in 1871 to the creation of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, the primary motive of the world renowned organization has been to “Inspire, Inform and Influence the global engineering community to engineer a better world”. The IET On Campus, BIT Mesra has been an ardent supporter of this cause, with its indefatigable efforts to deliver information to the masses about the latest cutting edge technologies and scientific advancements. At the same time, we try to stimulate and rouse innovation and curiosity in the minds of students.

We are a congregation of tech aficionado trying to inculcate technological knowledge and programming skills in the student community. We have a vehement commitment towards new technologies and programming for the advancement of the society. Our ultimate goal is to feed the grey matter of our learners and aggrandize their dexterity in programming and other technical fields.

“Inspire, Inform and Influence the global engineering community to engineer a better world.”



Hack-A-BIT has turned out to be one of the Largest Student Organised Hackathons in the country. The maiden edition of this venture saw great enthusiasm from both the industry and academia, and is set to grow bigger and bigger as the years progress. IET, on campus BIT Mesra is one of the Clubs involved in its organisation. Letting new ideas flow through young minds, and challenging students to build the next big thing is the prime focus of this endeavour.

Hello Hack-A-BIT


Linux Workshop

One simply cannot stress enough on how important it is to understand Linux. Unlike tightly built rigid operating systems, Linux is a developer's playground, where what you can do is restricted not by any limitations, but by your own knowledge of the commands. Hence IET On Campus, BIT Mesra brings to you a four day CERTIFIED Linux and Networking workshop, which is guaranteed to give you a good strong grasp on the technology, along with the potent networking applications of it. Further, you'll also understand much about how a LAN or any network actually works, and even set up your own, and use virtual operating systems.

Python Workshop

In today’s fast-paced world technological standards are increasing day after day, and it proves more than helpful to have an extra arrow in your quiver. Python is one such language which due to its versatility and easy to understand syntax can provide a launching pad for your endeavour to become a full-fledged developer. Keeping this in mind IET on Campus, BIT Mesra brings to you an Introductory Workshop on Python, where we will teach you this interesting language from scratch.

Git Workshop

Any knowledge is inconsequential until you explore its boundaries and use it to the fullest. GIT is one such platform which provides modern day developers a place where they can interact and together take a dive into the vast ocean of knowledge. Keeping this in mind, IET on Campus, BIT Mesra brings to you a workshop on GIT and GitHub, accompanied with an introduction to Google Summer of Code, one of the largest annual online development carnivals. So, come and join us as we take you through the different dimensions of GIT.

Web Development Workshop

Web development is a broad term for the work involved in developing a web site for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network). Web development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications (or just 'web apps') electronic businesses, and social network services.When we're learning to program we often have to sacrifice learning the exciting and current technologies in favor of the 'beginner friendly' classes. Through this workshop we ensure that any student gets the best of both the worlds,designed for the complete beginner,covering some of the most exciting and relevant topics in the industry like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, PHP with MYSQL,Basics of Networking and AJAX, with completion of assignment under the guidance of seniors exelling in the field of Web Dev.

C and C++ Workshop

This is three day workshop is the first of its kind organized by IET every year. As C provides an introduction to programming ,this workshop attracts first year students in large numbers. The topics are covered in brief and taught with the help of powerpoint presentations and examples by senior students of the club. The learners can clarify their doubts by asking their queries to the student volunteers of IET. Some of the topics covered are operators, loops, arrays and pointers.


Governing Faculty


Dr. Anand Kumar Sinha

Dean Student's Welfare


Dr. D.K. Upadhyay

Faculty Advisor

Executive Members

Lakshya Srivastava


Utkarsh Kumar Singh

Joint President

Ayush Acharya

Vice President

Vivek Pattanayak

Vice President

Dhrub Kumar


Satyam Mishra


Vatsalya Goswami


Hardik Gupta

General Secretary

Shubhankar Dubey

General Secretary

Lalit Mangal

Joint Secretary

Vishal Agrawal

Joint Secretary

Parthiv Sarkar


Lokesh Sharma


Aryan Jamuar


Chandrachud Shrivastava

Joint Treasurer

Samyak Jain

Event Head

Bund Agarwal

Event Head

Siddarth Banerjee

Tech Lead

Sonu Deo

Tech Lead

Shivam Kumar

Tech Lead

Ravish Raj Tiwary

Tech Lead

Priyanka Choudhary

Tech Lead

Riya Singh

Design Head

Sayan Maiti

Senior Executive member

Aditya Raj Choudhary

Senior Executive member

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out to us.

BIT Mesra, Ranchi


